Almost 18 months since the re-branding to Nudge, the staff and Board were joined by our supporters across government, industry and community along with some Nudge trainees at our End of Year Sundowner on Wednesday 22nd November.
The sundowner was a great evening, showcasing the value and impact of the work conducted by Nudge, as well as allowing our stakeholders and supporters to hear the stories of our wonderful group of trainees and the value Nudge has brought to the employers engaged – special thanks to David Greig from MACA for speaking about their involvement with Nudge. The evening was an opportunity to thank stakeholders for their support on this new journey of Nudge, celebrating the success over the past year and looking forward to the future.
Our Annual Report 2017 outlines the achievements for Nudge with some personal stories from employers, trainees and their families. You can read the report here:
To see one of the inspiring stories shared on the evening please, please watch our video of Business Trainee Lattarra Cocot.