Towards the end of 2018, BMD engaged Nudge to source and support trainees for their emerging projects on the Kwinana and Mitchell freeways.
The sourcing process for Metro based traineeships always draws much interest – our engagement and community sourcing for BMD, confirmed this.
BMD were engaged and also encouraged to attend the sessions that Nudge ran on their behalf – The Informational Session and The BMD Work Readiness Training – so a special thanks to BMD for their support.
The trainees were eventually selected for the following compounds:
- Dekan John-Furnace
- Tyler Collard
- Jordan Dodd
- Rakeam Jones
- Adam Evans
Tyler Collard, BMD Mitchell Freeway site office
The Nudge mentor for BMD trainees is Ralph Mogridge. Ralph is a highly experienced mentor, communicator and facilitator, who understands intricately the Aboriginal ways of working and communicating. Ralph alongside the BMD site supervisors, are happy with the progress, direction and courage displayed by the trainees in their workspaces and roles, “They are learning as they go, and are trying their best, which is encouraging – they also know that they have the support of me as their mentor and of Nudge and their employer, BMD, who wish for them to work hard and succeed, they are going good so far”.
The works on the sites for North and South are well underway now.
However, despite this, we at Nudge take great pride in knowing that within the compounds of both BMD projects, there are trainees who are learning new skills and gaining new experiences that will hold them in good stead in the years ahead.
We at Nudge, look forward to working closely with BMD into the future.
Dekan John-Furnace, BMD Mitchell Freeway onsite