In Nov and Dec 2019, Nudge partnered with the Shire of Ashburton (SOA) to on-board several trainees based in towns located across the Pilbara region. These towns included Onslow, Tom Price and Paraburdoo. After engaging the local community, running information sessions, and a Work Readiness Training, four trainees were successfully sourced into the traineeships below:
- Certificate III Civil Construction (Onslow)
- Certificate IV Library & Information Services (Paraburdoo)
- Certificate IV Business (Tom Price)
- Certificate III Tourism (Tom Price)
The trainees officially commenced their traineeships in February 2020, Amy Bray, HR & Training Officer at the SOA had this to say ” It has been a fantastic outcome for the community having the trainees join the Shire of Ashburton team over the last few months. The trainees have brought great excitement to the team and we look forward to watching them progress in the future. We thank the Nudge team for their continued support throughout the process.”
This is a great outcome for SOA, the local towns and communities, the trainees and their families. Nudge is excited to hear about the continued success for SOA, their trainees and community in the coming months.
Shire of Ashburton (highlighted).