“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower”…
December is the time of year when we all start to wind-down and take stock of the year that has been. This year has challenged us all in some way or another… and no doubt, these challenges shall continue in the months ahead.
“Resilience” and “Tenacity” are words that come to mind when I think of the trainees and the employers who I get to work with. A great deal of learning, development and growth occurs when a young person becomes a trainee/apprentice – both from the young person’s perspective and from a company’s stance. When things meld well together, it is a beautiful thing. When there are challenges, it can take time to sort a plan forward, and on the odd occasion, when things don’t work – we reassess, we learn from these aspects and move positively forward.
Virtual mentoring (through online methods), face-to-face mentoring, support, assistance, however we term it, is not just a process for trainees only. As human beings, we can all take positives from meaningful engagements with a mentor or support person. There are many mentors and skilled support people from a plethora of areas such as finance, personal development, fitness to name only a few. Personally, I feel I’m a better mentor for having mentors who supported, and continue to support me… and so that cycle continues. I add to the quote above with another, “what you sow, you reap – which can mean, good preparations today, amount for a good bounty in the days ahead”.
In the lead up to the end of 2020, I have been having discussions and assisting trainees with goal setting and planning for the year ahead. Set goals and plans NOW and don’t wait until the 1st of January to start “planning”. Be prepared to hit the 1st day of the year strong. This is again, something that we can all benefit from doing.
In closing – I acknowledge the year that has been and all of its challenges, and I look forward to the year that is coming with excitement.
My best regards and wishes to you and your families for the season and for the New Year.
Matt Paki | Nudge Mentor