The next generation of leaders.

Our very own Nudge Trainee of the Year (2021) and  Alumni Member Calli-Rose Woods, was one of the incredible 600 First Nations women delegates from across Australia at the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) National Summit held from 9-11 May 2023, on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country (Canberra).

The convening of the National Summit was as an outcome of the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) project, led by Commissioner June Oscar AO, in partnership with the National Indigenous Australians Agency, as a once-in-a-generation platform for agreement-making where First Nations women came together to raise their collective voice, and determine the way ahead.

Women from all across the country gathered to share their voice on how the nation can improve its approach in advancing the rights, health, safety, well-being and prosperity of First Nations women and girls.

When Nudge caught up with Calli a little earlier this week, she shared a little about the opportunity to be a part of the National Summit as a youth delegate. Calli spoke of her amazing experience and knowledge gained through the opportunity to be present in a room, abound with energy, from women who wanted to talk, to be heard, and to be the change that they wanted to see.

Calli reflected a little on her journey to date, and the benefit of having the opportunity to complete a Certificate III in Business Support. Competing a traineeship helped her to gain a belief in herself, giving her the confidence to work towards her future dreams and aspirations.  Graciously acknowledging the support of Nudge and her Nudge mentor, Acacia, ‘she really gave me the confidence to get in there and get things done”.

To hear more from this amazing young woman, grab a cuppa and take 5 minutes to listen to her conversation with Adi Francis in the ABC Studios.

Meet one of 600 incredible women at the inaugural summit of First Nations women in Canberra – ABC Canberra



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