Welcome to 2019

Happy New Year and welcome to 2019

By now most of you would be back into the swing of the working year and looking forward to the plans and goals for the year ahead – the Xmas break is a distant memory!!!

The Nudge office is back in drive mode with already lots of new projects underway for the first few months of the new year. We are excited to continue working with all our partners to deliver strong outcomes for employers, the community and the young people we help place and support in the workforce. Nudge is all about outcomes – seeing people be given an opportunity and make the most of it and seeing the benefits for all involved – that is why we are here.

At an organisational level, as we look ahead, the Nudge Board (and staff) will be conducting a strategic review workshop in February to outline our path for the coming years. It doesn’t sound it, but this is an exciting stage of our continued growth and development as a for purpose charity.

The Nudge staff have returned with vigour and gusto for the new year – buoyed by the plans and projects for 2019.  Here at Nudge we pride ourselves on a cohesive and fun team and in light of this will be conducting the Nudge Burger Challenge 2019 – ranking all the various burger outlets in Perth (and surrounds) – it’s a bit of a Nudge office staple.  So if you have any tips or looking for recommendations let us know.  We will keep you posted on the developments (and rankings throughout the year).

Welcome to 2019, we look forward to working with you throughout the year.  If there is anything you need from Nudge in the meantime please let us know.

Nudge Staff (Absent: Ami Kitchingman)

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