The Nudge Trainee Journey – NTJ an insight into trainee life 2021.
The NTJ is a new monthly update that looks at the working-lives of amazing trainees. Each month we will highlight a different trainee from various employers and industries and share their training journey, in their words.
The Nudge mentors will ask three (3) questions to give a snapshot into “trainee life”, for those with aspirations or an interest in what a traineeship is all about.
- What it is like to be a trainee?
- What aspirations do trainees have after a traineeship is completed?
- Can I be a trainee?
Young people looking at a career pathway through a traineeship learn (listen and follow), if they have a peer to model from.
So, this is the purpose of NTJ. To empower young people, using the example of other young people who are living and working through a traineeship.
The third Nudge Trainee Journey – NTJ for April 2021 is:
- Tahlia Smith
- Traineeship – Business
Tahlia is a Business Administration trainee with DevelopmentWA based in the CBD office on Elizabeth Quay. DevelopmentWA is the State Government’s central development agency, operating across Western Australia with a diverse portfolio of industrial, commercial and residential projects.
Tahlia’s tenacity, bubbly personality, courage and determination to strive and move forward, despite experiencing close tragedy, has seen
her become a favourite in the work place and offices. Her caring nature has also seen her involved in many supportive and charitable causes at work
Q1. What two things / aspects have you enjoyed the most about the work and traineeship so far?
- The support and the atmosphere at the workplace is genuine and beautiful. Having to be a part-time carer while working was a lot to take on, though the HR team and my team were very understanding and have been a massive support through my journey. I couldn’t have completed my traineeship without their care and help.
- Taking on a role at my workplace to help fundraise money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, I felt like this was a great personal accomplishment. Hosting small events at work to sell books and raise money was an awesome and empowering feeling. Work at DevelopmentWA has so many opportunities and great causes to be a part of.
Q2. What is the biggest challenge of the work / traineeship for you?
My biggest challenge was returning this year in early 2021 to complete my traineeship. The past year of losing my mother had taken a toll on everything in my life. I lost my mum during the pandemic and had to put my life on hold. I went through a great
deal both physically and emotionally, but I decided to pull myself together and return to finish what I started. I have now completed all booklets and am blessed to be able to carry on and complete my traineeship.
Q3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years time I see myself helping young Indigenous children within Western Australia. I want to be a role model of our culture and show young people that no matter what we go through in life, there will always be beautiful days ahead. I want to be a part of helping young people positively through our culture and to grow in life.
Thank you for reading – check-back soon for our May NTJ coming soon!
Best wishes – The Nudge Team