
NAIDOC Week 2020

NAIDOC week celebrates the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and recognises their strong connection and contributions to community and country. The theme for this year, 2020 is “Always was, Always will be” and will be celebrated from the 8th to 15th November 2020.

In celebrating NAIDOC 2020, Nudge spoke to Aaron Wilkes, Recycling Centre Operator Trainee with TOMRA Kelmscott to hear what NAIDOC means to him.

“NAIDOC week is a highlight of my year, and to me it is a week where my people get the recognition they deserve across Australia, it is a great time to express yourself and your culture.” Aaron said.

Aaron is a part of the Mungart Yongah Traditional Dance Group. The group have been performing traditional Corroboree dances across Perth for many years and are well known. “I love to showcase the traditional culture, it makes me super comfortable in my own skin”. Aaron is very excited for today where he and the group will be performing at various NAIDOC events.

Nudge mentor Matt Paki, who is in contact with Aaron on a regular basis in support mentioned, “It is always fantastic to see and to listen how proud Aaron is of his culture, it has a great impact on his wellbeing and on those around him”.

Aaron loves the theme for this year, “Always was, Always will be”, as he states, “It makes me proud, very proud. The words sum it up perfectly and I’m very proud to be Aboriginal”.

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