The Nudge Good News Series – Insurance Commission of Western Australia

Megan Jones pictured above.

In January 2020, Nudge partnered with Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA), to recruit two trainees local to the Perth Metro area to complete a Certificate III Government traineeship. Through the engagement of local community networks, a strong group of candidates were presented and ICWA and Nudge successfully on-boarded two trainees, Lexie Hall and Megan Jones who commenced in March 2020.

Acacia Collard, our Nudge mentor who is supporting the trainees said “Lexie and Megan have done a fantastic job settling into their roles, showing great work ethic particular in the current circumstances regarding COVID-19. The ICWA staff have been very supportive during this time and are really happy with how they are progressing. It is a joy to support them and watch them grow”

Congratulations to all involved in this project who have made it a success so far. Nudge is excited to be part of another Good News story in our WA community and look forward to working with ICWA in the months and years ahead.

Lexie Hall pictured above.

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