
2020 has been a year unlike anything that we have experienced in recent history – regardless, the end of a year provides a good time to reflect on all the has happened – both the good and the challenging.

The core values of Nudge were upheld throughout this year. Nudge maintained a strong level of support for trainees/apprentices and employer partners, whether through face-to-face or by virtual means. As a result, the year was one of Nudges’ busiest as we worked through challenges as they arose, but held strong to our ethics and commitments towards those that we assist and work with.

Thank you to all who have supported Nudge throughout 2020, to the employers, trainees, apprentices, supervisors, teams, supporters, and also to the Nudge Board – all contributing to making 2020 a success for individuals, families, employers and for the WA community.

On behalf of the Nudge family, for your input and influence throughout 2020 – Thank You.

In ending the year, we wish you and your families a joyous, restful and safe festive season and look forward to working together in 2021.

Note: The Nudge office will be closed from Tuesday 22/12/2020 and will re-open Wednesday 06/01/2021. Nudge mentors will be contactable through their phones for those trainees / apprentices and employers working over the festive season.

“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower”…

December is the time of year when we all start to wind-down and take stock of the year that has been. This year has challenged us all in some way or another… and no doubt, these challenges shall continue in the months ahead.

“Resilience” and “Tenacity” are words that come to mind when I think of the trainees and the employers who I get to work with.  A great deal of learning, development and growth occurs when a young person becomes a trainee/apprentice – both from the young person’s perspective and from a company’s stance.  When things meld well together, it is a beautiful thing. When there are challenges, it can take time to sort a plan forward, and on the odd occasion, when things don’t work – we reassess, we learn from these aspects and move positively forward.

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The power of mentoring face-to-face allows for a mentor and mentee (trainee) to connect; chat; celebrate; acknowledge – both the positives and challenges and to stay genuinely engaged.  Last week I travelled to Bunbury, Collie and Williams to see several Nudge trainees.  I enjoy driving and travelling to regional places in WA, as the change of scene does wonders to ones frame of mind and whilst being there for work, it is a time to reflect and to recharge.  I enjoy engaging with the trainees as they share their stories and experiences from their traineeship pathway.

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NAIDOC week celebrates the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and recognises their strong connection and contributions to community and country. The theme for this year, 2020 is “Always was, Always will be” and will be celebrated from the 8th to 15th November 2020.

In celebrating NAIDOC 2020, Nudge spoke to Aaron Wilkes, Recycling Centre Operator Trainee with TOMRA Kelmscott to hear what NAIDOC means to him.

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Continuing the success from the last two years, Nudge will be presenting the 2020 Nudge Training Awards at this years Nudge Sundowner, on Wednesday 18th November 2020. The purpose of the Nudge Training Awards is to recognise and highlight outstanding efforts of those employers and individuals committed to training across a range of sectors and industries.

Nudge are excited to announce the 2020 nominees for trainees and employers in the following categories:

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Earlier this year Nudge were engaged by the Public Transport Authority (PTA) to support two new starters, Victoria Howard, Certificate III Business trainee and Brianna Shadforth, Aboriginal Engagement Officer. The two have proven to be great additions to the PTA team, bringing great enthusiasm and excitement.

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From Matt Paki, Nudge Manager Service Delivery & Mentor.

Recently I travelled to Geraldton in the Midwest region, to meet two new trainees who commenced with Lendlease (Main Roads WA maintenance contractor). Lendlease (Midwest and Wheatbelt) over the past 5+ years, have employed several civil construction trainees with Nudge’s support.

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The Nudge Annual Sundowner and Training Awards, will be held on Wednesday 18th November 2020 and we would like you to SAVE THE DATE!

The 2019 Nudge Sundowner and Training Awards was an amazing event, celebrating the achievement and impact of Nudge right across WA and recognising the contribution, across sectors and industries, of trainees, employers and organisations in their commitment to training.

We hope you are able to join us for this year’s event – official invitation to follow in the coming weeks.

On 21st/22nd July, Nudge on behalf of Delta Corporation successfully delivered a Work Readiness Training programme (WRT) for three Certificate III Concreting apprenticeships.

Delta Corporation are completing works for several projects, one being the Armadale Bridge construction as part of the Armadale Access Alliance project (led by Laing O’Rourke). Nudge is already supporting several trainees across this project and the efforts from Delta to engage local apprentices will further boost the outcomes of the project.

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